Wednesday, December 21, 2005

At 4:30am I asked... "What the HECK is that Noise?"

Living in Arizona has it's own flavor, and constant surprises.
I'll tell you what awakened me in a moment, but first, let me tell you a story of holiday grace and class.

I went holiday lights looking in a trolley full of 20 of my new Arizona friends this week. While the trolley drove around for 3 hours, stopping to let us spill off the bus to oohh and ahhh at the decorations, we drank wine, ate caramel popcorn and laughed and sang. Nothing unusual for Christmas time. Until we came to one of the last houses.

Imagine a one-story house whose yard has been stocked full of blinking reindeer, santas, penguins, and any assortment of decorations that had been collected over 40-odd years. Now imagine that the owner has transformed her entire garage into a holiday village... the size of Boston... with a suburb in her dining room. Imagine she'd turned her entire dining room into a multi-layer winter village scene complete with a huge assortment of whirring, blinking, spinning mini houses and carnival rides, decorated trees, miniature people walking about, and 7 tiers of streets hand-paved in round peppermint candies. A labor of love, that must have taken all year to plan and create.

At all the other houses, the front doors were shut tight, the owners cuddled up by their fireplace watching the Apprentice while hordes of people strolled past their houses to admire their handiwork.

But not at this house. The owner was walking around handing out candy canes to the kids, as they marveled at the Disney characters riding tiny merry-go-rounds in her massive village scenes. She busied herself with laying Oreo cookies (the good ones, too... you know, the ones with the double stuff inside, and two flavors to boot!). She had two large urns filled with piping-hot coffee to warm her visitors, and had built a toasty fire pit surrounded by lawn chairs (you know, like the ones your grandma would pull out of the garage for picnics with the vinyl webbing that was frayed at the fringes).

Now imagine...
That the owner is 70-ish years young.

I witnessed pure Christmas spirit that night and decided that THAT would be me in 30 years.

When I am hit with the holiday humdrums, grumbling about attaching lights to my house, and the Christmas shopping craze, and overcome with a bah-humbug because of the commercialization of Christmas, I will from this day forward, think back to this angel who showed me more grace and class in one evening than I've witnessed the entire year. She quite simply embodied the Holiday Spirit.

I met a real, live angel that night... I'm sure of it.

I want to hear your stories of things that have touched your heart this holiday season. Post them below.

Now I promised to tell you what that unearthly sound was last night.
It was an impression at first, that lulled me from my sleep. I groggily thought that kids were playing in the street outside my house until I realized that children do not (normally) howl.
I opened the bedroom patio door and listened intently. I was greeted with yipping and high-pitched howling and suddenly realized I was being serenaded by a pack of coyote! My Christmas just keeps getting better and better...

I have two gifts for you. First, I'd like to share a funny picture of my 17 lb male cat (Scooter) and a frighteningly life-like graphic of him that made me want to spray paint him green.

Second, as many of you know, I am constantly learning as much as I can about my businesses: Internet marketing, real estate investing and conference production.

I want to share with you one of the most valuable, inexpensive, and easy-to-understand resources I found to get some cash coming in from simple websites. It's just 45 pages and you I read through it in an hour, and implemented something the first day! I know you can too.
You can find details it here:

Lastly, I want to wish you an incredible holiday season, and promise I will do my best to help you create a prosperous 2006!

Happy Holidays,

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Why do Cats Twitch?

My little Megan's favorite place to nap is my lap with her paw draped across my mouse or keyboard (which explains the many typos in my emails ;-)).

The other day, she suddenly started convulsing in my lap! My first reaction was panic that she was having an kitty epileptic attack. So I look down at her sweet face and her inner eyelids are closed, but her outer are open just enough so I can see her eyeballs rolling around in her head like a serious REM sleep.

She was twitching from nose to paws to tail. So I just watched her and imagined what she was dreaming about. Have you every tried to figure out what your pets (and babies, for that matter) dream about?

Knowing her mischievous personality, and her skill for tearing through the house, up the walls, over the furniture, through every room, batting her brother and sister on the fly (like a furry hit and run runner), I bet she was dreaming of some incredible adventure that involved moths (her favorite protein source), and mini tootsie rolls (her favorite toy to steal and hide under rugs).

I'd love to hear your theories on what Megan was dreaming about. Share them on the blog!

Monday, October 31, 2005

7 Tips to Avoid a Scam Artist

Have you ever been swindled by someone you hired to provide a service?
We all have. It happened to me just today.

I purchase 30 days of Google Adwords program management services from a contractor who did not, in fact COULD not, deliver what he is offering on his website. I only got taken for $300, but it’s the principle that matters.

The experience made me consider what I can learn when I’ve been taken for a ride by someone who “seems” competent. I wanted to share with you my ideas on protecting yourself from being cheated by unscrupulous players in any industry:

7 Tips to Avoid a Scam Artist
1. You get what you pay for. If someone is offering a service that is priced well below the industry standard, beware. And do your due diligence.

2. If you get a gut feeling that this person just can’t be trusted, go with it BEFORE handing over your cash. While we all want to give the benefit of the doubt, remember the power of intuition. If you decide to hire them anyway, limit your financial investment until they're disproven your intuition.

3. Be on the lookout for “scarcity mentality” behavior and words. If the person you are interviewing is constantly reminding you of all they’ve done for you without charging, trying to invoke the victim principle, run away. These types of people are trying to hide their incompetence, and will only take your money without providing what they promised when you hired them.

4. Set up a checks and balance system during their contract period so you can evaluate their work for consistency based on your projects scope. Look for belligerence and defensiveness when you call them on their shoddy work.

5. ALWAYS know just enough about the tasks you’ve given them to recognize if they’re not delivering. Never just hand over a task that you are not able to check for quality control. Keep educating yourself to reduce your risk of being ripped off.

6. Pay by credit card, and document all communications with contractor. So when it comes time to refute the charge with your credit card firm, you have clear evidence of nonfulfillment.

7. And lastly, learn from your mistakes. Every tough experience is an opportunity to learn how to do things better the next time, and a way to hone your senses to become aware of discrepancies earlier in the game the next time around.

I hope these tips help you avoid doing business with people just out to take the money and run! I TRULY believe in the universal principles of energy. You eventually get back what you put out.

So do good, honest business with an abundance mentality, and prosperity will come back to you 10-fold.

And avoid the “wolves.”
Grab the entire eBook I wrote on this at

To Your Success,

Thursday, October 20, 2005

What do a bowling pin, lipstick, and a mystery novel have in common?

They all made the locals at my postal service ask me:
“What is it that you DO anyway?”

I am always amazed at the creativity of people. One reader sent me his favorite Rod Stewart CD, another a Mystery Novel that I could NOT put down, and yet another sent me a collection of makeup perfect for my skin tone!
The list of the great gifts I received from you all is too long to mention here. I just want to say to you:
Mission Accomplished!

One of you addressed the package to “Countess Barbara.” So everyone at the mail service now greats me as "Countess" when I walk in, loudly, in front of other customers! I've even registered the URL Send me your ideas on how to monetize this concept!

One reader wrapped her secret package so convincingly, the post office made her open it for inspection before mailing it .

I want to thank you ALL for helping me stir up the rumor mill in my new town here. I promise I am using EVERY single gift that was sent to me.

I’ll write more about small-town Arizona life this weekend. I’ve got a story to tell you about my visit to a biker bar...


Saturday, October 01, 2005

My Secret Phone Call-Oct 4

When I asked for Top Secret packages, I was expecting chocolates and cool colored pens. What I didn't expect to get was a "Top Secret phone call!"

The fellow I referred to earlier who had us all dancing up and down and doing silly things on stage in Phoenix, Mark Joyner, replied to my blog post about a secret phone call he's going to be doing exclusively for members of Simpleology.

Mark just released his new book (which I already ordered) called "The Irresistable Offer. It's all about the art of getting what you want in all areas of your life. Mark will be interviewed by Joe Vitale, one of the world's top marketers, so it's a chance to hear both of them on one call! (What I like to cal a double whammy!)

Register for the Tuesday, Oct 4 call here

I'm practicing "Law 4" of Mark's Simpleology course right now.
Last week, I was more productive than I've been in months just by following Mark's course! (How's THAT For a testimonial?)

And yes, I am trying to entice you to go there because I know it's going to do you a lot of good.
And Mark - next time you reply to one of my blog posts read the instructions! You were supposed to send something in the *mail*. ;-)

Rememer.. NEVER stop learning and growing!
This call and Mark's course are free, so you have NOTHING to lose.
Listen in

To Your Success,

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Send me a secret package!

Vickie of sent me a great idea for having some fun with the rumor mill here in little Anthem, AZ.
She recommends that I have people mail me something in a brown paper wrapper with CONFIDENTIAL / TOP SECURITY CLEARANCE ONLY stamped all over it in an official manner.

I use a local mail box service where they sort the mail by hand and a lot of locals use that service too, so word will get out as I start receiving things.

If you’re game, send me anything. Here are some ideas:
- A photo of yourself
- dark chocolate
- a fun braingame
- anything stationary-related (I love office supplies)
- a cool pen
- stickers (I’m a sticker-holic)
- a cool book
- a CD with jazz or salsa
- anything dance related
- scented candle
- broach
- crafty stuff
- anything home-made
The lumpier the package, them more attention it will get! Be creative!

If you send me something cool in this manner, I’ll gift you my “Internet Business Basic, and Beyond Workbook” in PDF format (sells for $297!). Be sure to include your name and email address in the package.

Have fun! I look forward to seeing your ideas!

Barbara Drazga
3434 W. Anthem Way
Suite 118-481
Anthem, AZ 85086

Sunday, September 25, 2005

A snake named Sal, and the love of a child...

I've lived in little Anthem, AZ for 6 weeks now and am learning the nuances of a small town where everyone knows everyone. So I decided to test the gossip grapevine and provide very limited information about myself, just to see how that info gets morphed through the grapevine.
Share your ideas with me on how to have some fun with this!

Upon leaving the gym one night this week, I noticed a snake hanging out in the driveway of the gym (I think he just got done on the treadmill and was taking a break). He didn't move at all, so I got to get close to him (we had a very nice "moment," I think). He had 7 stripes on his tail, alternating black and white, If you can tell me what kind of snake this is, post it on the blog and I'll send you a little gift. Oh, and I named him Sal. Maybe he'll be running the 5k race with me on the golf course next weekend. I'll let you know who wins.

Some of you know about my adorable niece Amanda. She lives in Denver and when I'm there we go shopping, movie-going, and generally doing "girl stuff" together. I learned last week from her mom that she had a homework assignment where she had to write a report on a favorite family member. Guess who she chose? That's right... ME! Is that cool or what? I'll tell you, no money in the world could buy the feeling I had when I heard the news. Of course, the fact that I ply her with Coldstone Creamery ice-cream when we're together has nothing to do with it, I'm sure ;-)

Last week, I attended the Internet Marketing Main event in Phoenix and met the keynote speaker Mark Joyner, who developed a technology called "Simpleology" which is a set of "laws" for personal and financial success. He used loads of cool exercises (you know how I like interactivity!). One of the cool ideas I learned from Mark was how we can easily identify our blind spots and replace them with behaviors that encourage growth and change.

So I signed up for his Simpleology 101 course this past week and am blown away by the content he provides. It's a 37 day course that you do for 15 minutes a day. And the best thing is, his course is FREE! Go sign up now at

Tell me what you think as you work through it.

To your success and happiness,

Monday, August 22, 2005

Why do they call them road runners?

My first day in Arizona involved driving a 15 ft truck laden with my earthly belongings head first into a monsoon. Apparently August is “monsoon season” in Phoenix, (a fact that no one bothered to mention to me before I decided to move there.) A monsoon is a collection of strong dust storms, incredible lightning shows, and blinding rain. Beautiful to watch from a distance, but terrifying to drive into, which is exactly what I did driving the last stretch of road an hour from my new home. After driving white knuckled, with rain pouring in the poorly-sealed driver’s window, I exited the highway and looked back at the storm I’d just passed through to witness a double rainbow. It almost made it worth experiencing it! It occurred to me (always one to find a lesson or two in the worst situations), that the monsoon/rainbow experience is a metaphor for life. Hear me out…

Life is peppered with stormy times, where we can’t even imagine what the sun looks like anymore. When we finally come through, and we eventually do, there’s a rainbow or two waiting for us on the other side to make us feel like the storm was worth it. Also, the storm brings life-giving rain from which beautiful things bloom and flower. Without the storm, life would be dull and dusty.

So let me get back to tarantulas and road runners for a second. Apparently Arizona’s desert has an incredible array of wildlife I was unfamiliar with. For instance, I discovered this week why we are supposed to love tarantulas: because there are worse creepy-crawlies… and tarantulas eat them. After two weeks of crickets in my house, I learned that it’s best to get my house sprayed to get rid of them. It’s not just that they are darned annoying (but a GREAT protein source for my cats), but they are a food source for (shudder involuntarily when you read this)… scorpions. Remember the children’s song “There was an old woman who swallowed a fly, I don’t know why she swallowed a fly, I guess she’ll die” (Jeez, the morbid things we sing to our kids!). Well, it’s all about a food chain, and in AZ the scorpions eat the crickets. Guess what eats the scorpions? You guessed it: tarantulas. I toyed with the idea of getting a few pet tarantulas, but I imagined the cats eating them, or me stepping on one in the middle of the night ::eeewwww::. So instead, I’ll be having my house hermetically sealed. I’ll be the girl in the bubble. (Hey, with a computer and Internet, and a good stock of Riesling wine, dark chocolate, and Fred Astaire movies, who needs to go anywhere?) I actually met a tarantula up against a house a few weeks back (I named him “Bob”. I don’t know why, he just looked like a “Bob”).

Now on to road runners. We’ve all seen the cartoon with a large ostrich-looking bird thing that can’t fly and says “beep beep” (I DARE you to make that noise out loud right now!). Well, a road runner is actually the size of a large pigeon with a goofy orange feather curled over his forehead. And, get this… he actually runs across the road. I’ve even seen them look both ways for traffic before sprinting across! I asked someone if they can fly and was told… “Well of course. They just prefer to run!” Of course, they don’t rack up many frequent flyer miles that way and must go through jogging shoes like mad! So there’s a new twist on the old joke about the proverbial chicken and it goes like this:

“Why did the road runner cross the road?”
Post your wpuch line to this universal question on my blog and I’ll pick the one that makes me laugh until milk squirts out of my nose. I’ll email the winner something cool.

Ok, dear friends, enough for now. I just finished up a 34 hour marathon west coast swing dance weekend and need some beauty rest. If you want to see a foto of me and my beautiful niece, I’ve added it to the right.
Till next time,

Sunday, July 24, 2005

How to tell if your cat is "stoned"…

Well, this weekend I made the 15 hour trip from Denver to Phoenix to take the cats and my car down. I fly back in a few days to collect my belongings in a truck for a leisurely 3 day drive to Arizona to visit the sites, take lots of pictures, and reflect on my old life, and new adventure.

The first 4 hours of the drive were noisy, as the cats loudly declared their unhappiness at being stuffed into separate carriers and sequestered in a hot car. I did have the windows tinted before making the trip, naturally, and even gave them each a dose of kitty tranquilizers before starting the adventure. The vet told me that when their inner eyelids partially close, I'll know they are "relaxed." "They'll feel like you do after having a big turkey dinner," he explained.

Now for those of you who don't know my little bundles of fur, Michelle is a 15 year old skittish Russian blue with a sweet heart. Scooter is a 16 lb 15 yr old male who's sole purpose in life is to kiss and cuddle with as many people as he can (kinda like an Italian!). Megan, the baby, is a 3-year old angel. Being a calico, she is especially vocal.

The girls did alright on the trip, but Scooter - my sweet, cuddly Garfield cat, metomorphed into a vicious psycho cat from Hades. In 15 years, and several moves that included an overseas jaunt, this big ole' lover suddenly turned into a spitting, hissing, scrappy drugged up psycho demon with glowing red eyes. (Ok, his eyes didn't glow, but they certainly looked weird with that inner eyelid half shut - ewe!). I've NEVER gotten that way after a turkey dinner… except when they make me do the dishes.

It wasn't until the "kitty downer" wore off that my sweet boy reappeared to kiss my nose and cuddle with me in the hotel we stopped at after 12 hours of driving. This complete change in personality gave me food for thought (hey, it was a long trip!). Was the sweet cat his true nature, or did the drugs bring out his true secret character, the vicious hell-kitty? I did not give him sedative the 2nd day just to gauge his reaction. He reverted to his "normal" sweet self the rest of the trip. While I have my darling Scooter back now, I will likely be cautious for a while when he asks for a tummy rub… hey you never know…:-).

Ok, enough of the drugged cats… now onto the important stuff. As I started my drive, I passed a billboard with a saying that hit home for this adventure. Now grant it, since this decision to move began 6 weeks, I've liquidated almost 70% of my belongings, having had to sort through everything. This gave me plenty of opportunity for reflection and introspection as I evaluated the pieces of my life. I decided that a full housecleaning both literally and figuratively was in order at this point in my life.

The billboard read simply: "Plant Yourself in Richer Soil."
I have no recollection as to the purpose of the message, but it certainly hit home for me metaphorically. I am moving to Phoenix to plant myself in richer soil. Isn't that something we all could do from time to time? We attend events where we're surrounded by intelligent, stimulating people and new ideas, meet new and exciting colleagues, entrepreneuers, move… plant yourself in richer soil.

To pass the time I listened to audio books the entire way down. I discovered that the sound of a male voice speaking for hours is quite calming for the cats! And, I now have the most enlightened and multilingual cats on the planet, having learned some Italian phrases, and listened to two wonderful books! My cats now know how to ask for directions to the post office should they ever get lost in Italy.

I am undergoing a transformation with this move. The beauty of moving to a place where you know nobody is that you can basically reinvent yourself! You can create new habits in your new environment, and be anyone you have wanted to become, because no one knows who you are anyway! That said, I listened to the Celestine Prophecy, and the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People… twice. Steven Covey is amazing. I highly recommend this book to read at least once a year. You get something new from it every time!

(Hey, I have to drive my belongings down next weekend so I need more audiobooks! If you have any book recommendations, please email me or post them here!!)

I want to share one thought with you that I heard on Covey's audio book. It's a quote from T.S. Elliott.
"We must not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we began and to KNOW that place for the very first time."

This saying can apply to business, relationships, and our internal lives. I see this as the ultimate in self-exploration; rediscovering ourselves over and over and learning each time we do it, the person who we’ve become through the process.

And no, I haven’t taken any of the kitty drugs. ;-)


p.s. I've finished my Tuscan kitchen! See it here!

p.p.s. I'm considering producing the "Wild Web Workshop" and a "Real Estate Investing Summit" here in Phoenix. Email me with your input!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

The Art of Moving Home and Business

One of my readers suggested that “someone” write tips on how to move a home and business. Not one to back down from a challenge, I took the bait.

I’m not sure if I’m doing the move from Denver to Arizona, “right,” but I’ll share the tips I’m using to make it a smooth process.

On the flight home from Arizona, a few days after signing an offer on my new home, I wrote a project plan that included three Stages:

  1. Stage 1 involves sorting through my life belongings, and either a) discard, or b) give to Goodwill. What remains, gets packed to move.
    1. I chose to sell almost all of my furniture, except the antiques, and rent my townhome.
  2. Stage 2 involves moving everything that is packed or going to Arizona in a rented storage unit, to free the house up for cleaning and selling furniture in a house sale.
    1. I’ve put up a website listing what I’m selling, and have listed a lot on eBay (
  3. Stage 3 involved cleaning and selling and renting, then calling a moving company to pick up the contents of storage and cart them to Arizona.

An added challenge is the existance of 3 cats, and running 3 businesses.

(If you have ideas on how to rent a 3 BR townhome in Aurora, CO, please send me your tips to

So I put the businesses into maintenance mode, hired a few people to handle orders, and put expansion plans on hold for 60 days until the move is done. As for the cats, well Megan keeps filing herself in the file boxes, Scooter set himself aflame on a candle that was used to freshen the air, and Michelle, well, she’s pretty much cowering under the bed until the whole process is done (or until I pack the bed!).

I can’t *wait* for the 14 hour drive to Arizona with three yowling cats in tow!

I packed everything in the kitchen, eat off of paper plates, and gave away all the food to my local church, and eat out. I’ve also packed my entire office, except for the neccesary office supplies.

Then, I placed an ad on for moving and packing help, and hired two people, both with large cars, to help pack and move everything to storage.

I’ve kept two small boxes for last-minute packing to put in car.

There is a packing SYSTEM, naturally. Everything is photographed, then packed for shipping, labels applied, inventoried, then stacked carefully. All furniture is placed on left-hand side of storage unit so movers can load it into truck first. The lables are printed with the ROOM NAME first (so the movers know where to put it), then a number (ie: Den-1, Den 2, etc.). Beneath that, a brief description of the contents (office supplies, books, education, files).

I print “FRAGILE” stickers on flourescent stickers for the breakable boxes, wrap all furniture in buddle wrap, cardboard, and shrink wrap to hold it all together. The boxes to be opened first, I’ve used a pink highlighter to color the packing label. The photos and inventory list go to my insurance agent who wrote my home owner policy.

I am tackling the move as I tackle a business challenge or project: I created a plan, developed systems, and hired people.

If you have any input on making a move painless, leave your comments!

Monday, June 06, 2005

"I'm moving to Arizona!"

I‘ve been saying these words to friends and family for just two weeks now. At first, I was confused by the two most common questions I received immediately upon stating that I was moving:

  1. “Are you moving there for a job?”
  2. “Did you meet a guy who lives there?”

It occurred to me after fielding these questions multiple times, that the people who asked them really didn’t know me at all.

They simply gave me blank stares and nodded politely when I told them that I am moving for neither of those reasons.

Society expects that these are the two main reasons for someone to move to anywhere, I suppose.

As an independent, adventurous entrepreneur, it didn’t even occur to me to a) move because I’m dating someone (he can come to me, too, ya know), OR b) move for ANY job. My businesses come with me. That’s one of the incredible perks of creating a business structure that can be run from anywhere in the world: freedom to go where you want, when you want.

I now accept these questions with a certain amount of amusement, and recognize that this is the “normal” mindset. But as my CLOSE friends, colleagues, and students will attest to, I am anything BUT normal!

For the record, I am moving for several reasons:

  1. I’m sick of snow
  2. Extreme heat a few months of the year, is the lesser of two evils: snow and heat
  3. Phoenix contains a huge entrepreneurial sub culture
  4. I LOVE the house I’m having built, and the community in which it rests
  5. Moving can be a very cleansing experience as you sort through, discard, and pack your LIFE
  6. I just feel like a change after 8 years in Denver

So if you live in or near Phoenix, AND you can relate to my reasons for moving, pop me an email. I should be up there end of July.

You can see photos of the new digs at

Back to packing!!!

Friday, June 03, 2005

Corey Rudl-1970-2005

I learned through a friend and colleague in the Internet Marketing community today that one of the industry's leaders died in a car crash yesterday.

Corey Rudl, just 34 years old, was brilliant young man who made life-changing contributions to our industry. After I heard the news, I called and emailed some mutual friends to ask them about their experiences with Corey... how they met, and how he enhanced their lives.
The consensus was that Corey left this world LIVING it to the fullest. He encouraged all of his friends and students to live life with passion and enthusiasm, which he did till the end.

Some of my friends share their thoughts...

Perry Marshall, the Google Ad Words guru says:
"I learned a lot from his email newsletter, and many practices he pioneered are standard today. He was one of the very first people on the planet to build an affiliate program, and he was the first to apply many offline DM methods to online marketing."

John Alanis of added:
"He was one of the very few people who I can say I have the utmost respect for-- he was a good man."

Michael Murdock,
"The man did some amazing things with our internet and taught so many of us marketing tips and tricks that helped propel our businesses skyward on the Internet. His muse will be truly missed."

Heidi Richards, Founder & CEO,
"I am sending a card on behalf of my entire board of advisors.
Wishing you all the best… and then some."

I received many other stories about how Corey helped people build their businesses, how private a man he was, and how he responded quickly and openly to people who asked his advise.

I heard a song this afternoon, not long after I got the news that I think is befitting of this event. It's a country song "Live Like You Were Dying" that tells a story of a man diagnosed with a fatal disease and the doctor recommends for him to live the remainder of his life with passion, love, and daring in every act.

The man spends his next days skydiving, Rocky Mountain Climbing, riding mechanical bull, and watching an eagle fly, forgiving old hurts, and loving everyone and everything deeper. I submit that Corey did just that, not knowing of his fate. A lesson I believe we can all learn from.

Corey was married just last year. I send my sincerest wishes and prayers to his family and staff, and all those who loved him.