Thursday, September 07, 2006

Do you ever want to strangle your spouse?

I know it's a strange title for a newsletter issue... but let's talk reality here.

Do you ever have days when you just want to strangle your significant other, business partner, best friend, colleague, etc?

Go ahead, you can admit it... we're all friends here.

We all have a gripe:
"My spouse is getting under my skin today."
"My business partner just doesn't understand what I need."

Sometimes, the relationships in our life cause us more grief than we think they're worth. And relationship hassles can definitely effect our business success.

This week, I'd like to share my musings on relationships, and how you can create ones that will support, encourage, and help you grow in your business life.

Here are my 12 Tips for when your primary relationships are getting on your nerves:

1. Take responsibility for YOUR part in the conflict or misunderstanding. It always takes two to have a conflict!

2. Make your expectations clear to your partner in a loving manner.

3. Be the kind of partner YOU'd want to have (Yes, this will involve taking a hard look at yourself).

4. Take a breather. Sometimes, you just need some space to care for yourself.

5. Look in the mirror. Ask yourself what you can do to improve yourself as an individual.

6. Write down your gripes. Now burn them.

7. Create a plan of action with your partner - put it in writing and sign it. That way it's not you vs. them. It's a mutual commitment.

8. Engage your intellect. It's impossible to THINK and FEEL at the same time. Choose thinking during times of emotional upheaval.

9. Lighten up. Not every conflict has to be solved right away. Sometimes you just need to walk away and come at it again later.

10. Recognize you have multiple choices in how to feel and act. The beauty of being human, is you get to CHOOSE your perspective. Take responsibility for all of your reactions.

11. Be clear on your expectations of yourself, your partner, and your relationship. Communicate them in a calm manner.

12. Focus on business. When it comes down to it, you cannot let emotional stress effect your business decisions, or your ability to get things done. Just keep pushing through and focus on your REVENUE-generating tasks.

BONUS: Act with kindness. No matter how bad you think it is, negativity will ALWAYS make it worse.

BONUS 2: This is the hardest one: Do something NICE for the person you're mad at, when you least want to.

As an entrepreneur, you are solely responsible for your income: an equally frightening and exciting proposition. SO when relational problems are causing you stress, make sure you are at least getting the #1 things done in your business that will generate revenue - then be sure to take time to process and address the challenges after you've handled business.

I'd love to know how you handle relationship stress when it invariably occurs. Email me your thoughts and I'll share them in future issues.

To your success,

Barbara Drazga (Check my new entrepreneur resources

p.s. Remember, "Wealthy people are programmed for success." Learn How to Follow Your Dreams Now!

p.p.s. Shameless plug for my significant other - an amazing realtor here in Arizona: "Are you ready to escape the snow? It's a buyer's market in beautiful Arizona."He's incredibly busy, but has promised to make time for YOU as a member of my list! AND his services are free! Tell him I sent ya.Get a List of Deals Now

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Marketing Lessons from a 4 Year Old Boy...

I just spent a week visiting family in Denver. I stayed with my brother's family that included my 11-year old niece Amanda, and my 4-year old nephew Ryan. I've not spent a great deal of time with Ryan, and I learned a few things this week about 4 year olds, and about myself.

For instance...
-Did you now that a little boy's brain never stops working, and delivering its musing to his mouth... unless he's watching a cartoon?

-I learned that there is no filter between a little boy's brain and mouth, resulting in the purest form of honesty I've ever seen. This particular item can cause much embarrassment to surrounding adults when sensitive facts are revealed loudly in public places.

-It is almost impossible to have an adult conversation around a 4 year old without him picking up only the words he shouldn't be hearing and repeating.

-I learned that you can't get away with ANYTHING with a 4 year old. He'll call you on your "stuff."

-I learned of a child's incredible capacity for spontaneous affection and expressions of love.

-And I learned that to a little boy, the song his aunt quietly sings to him to put him to sleep doesn't have to be on key. It just has to be sung from the heart for him to believe it is beautiful.

On the last evening of my visit, little Ryan asked me to put him to bed. I discovered that this process involves a structured procedure. We did the normal things like going potty, brushing teeth, and turning on the closet light to keep the "dream monsters" away.

It involved reading a Furry Kitty book, with "voices," as we cuddled together in his bed.

Lastly, to my surprise, his final request was for a "beuford" song. (I think he meant "beautiful" song). In response to this unexpected request, I defaulted to the song that is closest to my heart, as the first song I sang on stage with a choir, and later as a soloist: "Over the Rainbow."

I felt more pressure than I ever have as I quietly sang the entire song, while my darling nephew patiently listened to every chorus. When I was through, and after a few beats of silence, Ryan opened his eyes and said to me "Aunt Barbara that was a "beuford" song." Then he closed his eyes, turned over and snuggled up for sleep.

As I left his room enveloped in my nephew's unjudgemental love and acceptance, I decided for his birthday in July, he'll be gifted a CD of Aunt Barbara singing his "beuford" song softly to put him to sleep when he wants to remember me.

Thought I don't see my niece and nephews often, my goal is to create little moments during our time together that they'll remember and treasure about their Aunt Barbara. It's memories like these that make me feel connected to them when we're apart.

To tie this into an entrepreneurial issue, here's my lesson for this blog post:
It's about Quality over Quantity.

Some marketers think that if they just "bug" their email lists enough, people will buy. They beg, plead, use every copywriting "trick" they can, and wonder why their sales are still low.

My nephew has taught me that the quality of the information is so much more important than quantity. While you may not communicate with your list every day, when you do send something to them, make sure it is useful, timely, and gives more value than they expect.

It's simple: Give people what they want, plus more than they expect, and make every communication count; and they will give you their business.

And when they want a "beuford" song… give it to them. It will pay off in spades.

To Your Success,
Barbara Drazga

Friday, March 17, 2006

My St. Patty's Day Gift to You

You've likely heard about the newest real estate craze, the condo-conversion.
Well, I am now the owner of a "cat-conversion."
You've heard me talk about my psycho cat, Scooter in earlier posts. Last week, scooter had his tail amputated.

His reaction to this traumatic event was an inspiration to me, and likely to you. Aside from one bad day of pain, this now-tailless cat was romping around the house a day after his tail was lopped off. Amazing.
Feeling totally guilty about having to take the tail off to prevent the spreading of a tumor on it, I showered him with affection and mushy food. He purred with enthusiasm to all of my efforts, feeding my guilt of putting him through the ordeal.

Don't worry, there are no side effects of losing the tail, other than decreased balance. But at 16 pounds, he didn't have much balance to begin with. And now instead of wagging his tail at me, he simply wags his stump.

So although Scooter (aka "Stumpy") is not Irish, I dedicate this posting and the following gift to you on his behalf. Take a lesson from him... stay positive in the face of adversity.
And purr any chance you get :-)
In unpacking from my move to Arizona (yes, I'm STILL emptying boxes), I ran across 20 CD sets of the Bunnyslipper Bootcamp audios - a full 22 hours of business success training.

This set normally sells for $89. I'm offering the last 20 sets for just $49 each - that comes to $2.23 cents per hour of training!
Order Yours

AND, I'll throw in a copy of Jeanette Cates' book "Online Success Tactics-101 Ways to Build Your Small Business." - $15 Value
Jeanette, is 'The Technology Tamers' and one of the speakers at Bunnyslipper where she showed attendees how to start an online business from scratch in 3 hours.

You can see the entire speaker lineup here:

I've only got 20 and I'm not duplicating more, so get your set now.
Happy St. Patrick's!!
Barbara Drazga

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

2006 Plan of Action

Now that the dust has settled from the Butt Camp with Tom Antion, I want to encourage you to make an Action Plan for your Internet Business.

I know it can be overwhelming to consider all the options for starting a web-business. It doesn't matter which piece of it you decide to pursue first, but PLEASE do something.

I've developed a quick list of some of my favorite resources,
all priced Under $50!
Just pick ONE to start with, then implement it.

As that piece starts making money, come back to this list, and try another piece.

I never recommend something I haven't tried myself, so you can trust that these are all viable.

Accomplish 3 Times as Much in 1/3 the Time. Find out how a simple 15 minute a day "praxis" allows anyone to get whatever they want. Attain total mastery of Time, Energy, and Money.

Get Your Own Website and Hosting for $5 a month:

Manage and send Bulk Emails - 60 day Free Trial

Shopping Cart-30-day Free Trial

Rich Jerk eBook:
This is one of the most valuable, inexpensive, and easy-to-understand resources I found to get some cash coming in from simple websites. It's just 45 pages and you I read through it in an hour, and implemented something the first day! I know you can too. You can find details it here:

Blog for Profit :
Tom Antion has a very good CD on how to make money with free blogs:

Do you have a mentor or coaching program?
Tom Antion shows you how to make it profitable with his CD "How to Start and Run a Super Profitable Mentor Program" ($39.95)

How to Make Money with Teleseminars:

How to Create, Distribute and Sell Your Own Products
Oh, and don't forget to pick up your copy of the Audio CDs from the Butt Camp:

Share your successes with me! Post them on my blog!
To Your Success,
Barbara Drazga

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

How do You Eat An Elephant?

7 Tricks to Getting More Done

Do you have more "To Do" list at the end of the day than when you started? With all you have to accomplish, it seems like there’s never enough time for the important things, much less the things you want to do. Wouldn’t it be great if life were like TiVo? If only we could pause, rewind, playback, and record life’s moments to access later, when we had the time.

Well, I've got some sad news for you: we ALL have the very same 24 hours in a day. So how is it that some people seem to be so productive, while you feel like you're just spinning your wheels?

I don't believe we can "manage" time. We can only manage the tasks we do in the time that is available to us. You’d be surprised at how much time you waste each day—and those extra minutes can really add up.

So, how can you get more done? Here are 7 ways to stop time drains in your life and accomplish what you need to do, so you can get to the things you want.

Let it Go
For one week, carry a diary with you and jot down all the recurring, administrative, or chore-related tasks you do daily. At the end of the week, identify the tasks that you can get someone else to do. Let's do the math here for a second. Here's a sample list of things you might do during the week:
3 Hours - food shopping (includes driving, shopping, standing in line, putting groceries away)
1 hour - post office run, pick up mail, open and sort
2 hours - straighten and clean house
1/2 hour - change litter
1/2 hour - dry cleaner run
1 hour - laundry, wash, fold, put away
8 Hours - TOTAL (That's a full work day gone!)

Have you ever driven across town to save a few cents when filling up your gas tank? Think about it: a five-cent difference in the price per gallon of gas will save you a whopping dollar for a 20-gallon fill-up. Isn’t an extra half-hour of your time worth a dollar? Let it go.

Now let's say you find someone to work for $8 an hour to do these tasks for you. That's about $64 a week (or about $250 a month). Now with that extra 32 (!) hours a month, could you generate that $250 back plus some if you focused on your business? The answer is a resounding "Yes!"

I have a post-it on my computer monitor that asks me every time I start a task:
"Does this Action bring you toward or away from your target?" If my target is to increase sales by 20% by the end of the month, does doing the laundry bring me closer to that goal?

Set Goals and Prioritize
What do you want out of your life? In order to determine the most effective use of your time, you need to know what you want to do with it! It’s important to have both long- and short-term plans for accomplishing your goals, and equally important to understand what is most important to you.

Long-term goals: Whether you’re dreaming of becoming a superstar or opening your own business, keep this in mind: a goal is a dream with a deadline. You can achieve anything if you plan it out. Whatever your goal, find out what you must do to make it happen, and then break it into manageable chunks and work toward it every day. Make your priorities clear: do you want financial success? Is your ultimate goal to spend more time with your family by working for yourself? Concentrate on your top priorities.

Short-term goals: Daily to-do lists help keep you on track—but listing too much can make you feel as though you’ve accomplished nothing. Break up your task list into three groups: Must Do, Should Do, and Like to Do. Put no more than 7 tasks on your Must Do list.

Tackle the Musts first, and give yourself permission to not feel guilty when the rest remains undone. Simply move those items to the next day’s list. Also, be sure to accomplish at least one Like every day!

Break it Down
The answer to that old elephant adage is: "One bite at a time."
Does that huge pile of unopened mail look too daunting to tackle? Then break the task down into smaller "bites." Open just 3 pieces of mail in the morning, and 3 at night. Before you know it, the task is done.

Tackle the Tough Stuff First
Everyone has certain tasks to accomplish they don’t enjoy doing, whether it’s collecting from slow-paying clients or changing the litterbox. When they are top priority tasks, get them out of the way first—that way, you’ll have more energy and enthusiasm to get things done, and you’ll find yourself moving through your goals quickly. Brian Tracy writes about this in his great book "Eat That Frog."

Streamline Communications
E-mail is a huge time-waster for many people. Cell phones come in at a close second—not to mention television! Set aside certain times for dealing with any particular form of communication. If e-mail is vital to your business, you should tackle your inbox more than once a day—but can you manage by checking in at certain times, such as once in the morning, afternoon, and evening? Try it for a few days; you may be surprised to find that you don’t miss out on anything. Also, when you’re in the middle of an important task, turn off your cell phone. You can always return calls later. Managing television time is easier than you might think as well: each week, sit down with a program guide and decide on what shows or movies you really want to see, and give yourself a schedule. This eliminates hours spent flipping through channels hoping to catch something good.
I keep a small TV in my home office so I can have West Wing reruns on while I'm working.

Reduce Clutter
Clutter instills an underlying stress. When you walk into your office, do you look at your desk piled high with unidentified stacks and moan? This will be in the back of your mind while you work, and reduce your productivity. Time spent organizing your work environment is an investment in your ability to get more done. You will be able to locate everything you need without shuffling through piles of paper, and a neat work space is a calming thing.

You are Your Greatest Asset
Invest in yourself with ongoing education—workshops, books, CDs — which pay for themselves when you generate more income from the knowledge you gained. And remember to reward yourself for accomplishing big jobs or tasks you don't like to do. You may find yourself looking forward to those unpleasant necessities!

Getting more out of life is everyone’s ultimate goal. Now is the perfect time to go for it, whatever your dreams may be. If you have always wanted to work from home, be your own boss, and run a business for yourself, invest in your future by attending Butt Camp on February 25th —as an entrepreneur working from home, you will soon find more ways to get things done than ever!

After learning how to build your Internet Business on Saturday, I'm gifting you an Action Planning Breakfast on Sunday! Only 8 seats left, so please grab yours now! Bring a friend to Butt Camp and save $100!

To Your Success,
Barbara Drazga

Friday, February 10, 2006

Top 5 Reasons to Become a ‘Netpreneur

Top 5 Reasons to Become a ‘Netpreneur

You’ve probably heard that Internet businesses aren’t “real” businesses, or that running a successful online company is impossible unless you are a computer programmer. According to Tom Antion's three-prong approach to selling on the web, this isn’t the case at all. You can work at home running an Internet business as long as you follow some simple steps.
Download a one-hour teleclass with Tom Antion now to learn how!

So, why should you start an Internet business and try your hand at a work-at-home position? Here are just a few good reasons:

1. Work when you want to, not when you have to. Who wouldn’t want freedom from a constricting 9 to 5 punch-the-clock position? With an Internet business, you can start your day whenever you want, whether it’s three in the morning or one in the afternoon. When you work at home online, you get to set your own schedule.

2. No more commuting—your living room is your office! When you work at home running an Internet business, all you need to do to get yourself to work is get out of bed and walk into whatever room you’ve designated as your office. You will save hours in travel time and tons of money on gas.

3. Forget leasing an office. Traditional entrepreneurs have to find an office, then sign a contract and pay hundreds to thousands of dollars a month for use of the space. Not you, the Internet business owner! You will never pay a dime in office rent—unless, of course, you want to bill yourself for the use of your spare bedroom.

4. Reach millions of customers at the speed of a mouse click. With an Internet business, your online marketing efforts can reach far more people than traditional print media. Today’s online tools allow the Internet business owner to carry out business transactions with people all around the world at a fraction of the former cost of international business.

5. Your family knows you’re alive. If you are working at a traditional job, there have probably been days, or even weeks, where your family wonders if you’ve moved in to the office. When you start an Internet business and work at home, you will be able to spend those extra commuting hours with the ones you love instead. Though you will still have to work at your Internet business, you’ll be able to give yourself some time off to go to all those school concerts and ball games you missed out on when you were working.

Forget those work at home myths that say Internet businesses are all scams. Do your research, choose an Internet business you love, and start working for yourself today.
Learn how at the Butt Camp in Phoenix on Feb 25th!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Common Myths About Online Business

So, you want to start an online business. What do you expect will happen when you “go live” with your brand new web site (or web sites)? Do you believe hordes of people will batter at your virtual doors, snatching up your products left and right? Do you think that once you “become an online business owner,” you can simply sit back and watch the money pour in? If you do, you’ve fallen for the online business myths.

Owning a successful online business is not as easy as signing up for an affiliate program and collecting payments from eager buyers. This is one of the most destructive myths out there on the Internet. Thousands of people are suckered into throwing money down the black hole of scam-dom, lured by the promise of easy profit. Here are a few of the most common myths you should avoid:

Myth #1: Everyone with an online business is living on easy street. Nope. The only successful online businesses are run by folks who’ve put a lot of time and effort into researching and building their businesses—even those who run affiliate programs. Online businesses are just as likely to fail as brick-and-mortar businesses.

Learn How with this Free Audio!

Myth #2: You will start making money immediately with an online business. Wrong again! It takes time to start turning a profit. You have to build a customer base and market your tail off. This doesn’t mean you have to throw thousands of dollars into expansive hit-or-miss marketing campaigns. But it does mean you have to get the word out. There are many creative, inexpensive, and sometimes even free methods to marketing an online business—but it does take time. Expect to spend at least a year in development stage, and hold on to your day job for a while.

Myth #3: There is one magic marketing method that works for all online businesses. Unfortunately, no one has yet been successful in bottling and selling online business success. There is no one way to go about achieving success. Engaging in a process of trial and error is the only way to find out what works best for your online business—and that takes time, not money. So don’t fork over hundreds of dollars to anyone who promises you instant success!

Myth #4: Once your online business is established, it becomes an automatic money machine. Not true. The good news is, you will be able to reduce the amount of work you must put in to your online business once you’ve stabilized—but you can never just sit back and watch your riches grow. An online business is work, just like a real job. However, it does get easier over time.

You can be successful with an online business, as long as you’re willing to ignore the myths and work for your success. Like any business, you will get out of it what you put into it. I wish you much success!

About the Author:
Drazga owns and operates dozens of profitable websites from her Anthem home, and produces events teaching people how to do the same. Her next event, the Internet Business Butt Camp, is February 25th in Phoenix. Get details at

Thursday, February 02, 2006

How to Profit from a Web-based Business

You may have dreamed of starting an online business, or perhaps you already have. Often there is one overriding reason people start online businesses: to make money. Many people do it for passion, or from the desire to be their own boss, or simply because it sounds easy—but the intention behind starting any business is to make money. After all, you need to earn a living somehow!

There is a common conception that says making money with an online business is easy. After all, with billions of people using the Internet every day, how can you have an online business and not make money. But the truth is, online business is even more competitive than brick-and-mortar business—and it is because so many people are doing it. In order to succeed, you need a foundation and a solid plan.

Learn how at

What are the secrets to online business success? If there were such a thing, every ‘Netpreneur would be a millionaire by now. The good news is that there are plenty of things you can do to give yourself every chance at success. Even if you don’t end up a millionaire, you can still make a living through online business and finally leave your day job.

Communication is essential in any business. Therefore, the first thing you should concentrate on is the way you’ll communicate with customers. Simply put, this is your web site. Don’t expect to slap up a template web site with an affiliate URL and watch the business pour in. Get your own domain name, make your site professional-looking and easy to navigate, and ensure that your customers derive real value from a visit.

Once you have a web site (or even before you have a web site), you need a plan. Your plan might be “make $50,000 this year.” That’s fine, and it may even be a workable goal for your online business. However, you also need a definitive strategy to reach that $50,000 target. Do some research to determine which advertising strategies work and which don’t, and invest your money wisely. You also have to invest your time: one key to successful online business is a solid client network, and that can only be built one customer at a time.

Finally, make sure the products you’re offering are valuable to customers. If you don’t believe in what you’re selling, no one else will either. Your passion for your products will shine through in your marketing efforts, and you will attract and keep clients who truly enjoy your online business—and they, in turn, will tell others about it. Stand out from the online business crowd with professionalism, targeted marketing strategies, and an honest relationship with your customers, and you will go far. Then next year, you can double your profit goal!

About the Author:Drazga owns and operates dozens of profitable websites from her Anthem home, and produces events teaching people how to do the same. Her next event, the Internet Business Butt Camp, is February 25th in Phoenix. Get details at

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Top 5 Hot Internet Businesses for 2006

By Barbara Drazga, Internet Entrepreneur

2006 could be your year to leave the corporate rat race forever and start your own Internet business. If you’ve thought about starting an online company, there is no better time than right now to go for it! There are many advantages to starting an online company. Internet business owners get to enjoy perks like:

-- Low start-up costs. If you own a computer, you have just about all the equipment you need to start an Internet business. You need an online presence, a good product or service, and a good marketing plan. That’s it! You should plan to invest some money in advertising, but the materials and resources you’ll need are negligible in comparison to brick-and-mortar business.

-- Instant beginnings. You won’t have to wait six months to a year to launch your online company. You can be up in running within days of completing your business plan—or even hours!

-- Massive audience. There are billions of people online. Once you start an Internet business and learn how to reach your target market, your supply of potential customers is endless.

-- Work from home. This is the single biggest attraction to starting an Internet business. No more commutes, no more expensive wardrobes, and no renting office space for your online company. Set your own hours and be your own boss!

-- Save some trees—and your fingers. How much paperwork is involved in an Internet business? Virtually none! Pun aside, you can carry out just about all of your transactions online, and save some paper as well as your time in keeping your records straight.
Learn how:

So, how about those hot 2006 Internet businesses? Here are just a few examples of online companies you can start now:

Selling information
What do you use the Internet for most of the time? If you’re like most people, your answer here is “research.” The Internet is a natural delivery format for information of all kinds. If you have information on something people want to know about, you can start an Internet business selling e-books, articles, reports, whitepapers, audio content, or just about any variation of electronic information you can think of.

Travel agency
The online travel market in the United States is growing by leaps and bounds, taking a full 23 percent of travel purchases in 2004 as more and more people book reservations and order airline, train or bus tickets online. You can get yourself a piece of this $54 billion industry by opening an online travel agency company and helping people find places to stay, make reservations, and offer a variety of services designed to make life easier for travelers. The best bet for starting an online travel agency as an Internet business is to choose a specific market segment (such as travel to a particular European country), and focus on that. Make deals with area hotels that will attract customers to your business.

eBay store
You can sell anything on eBay! Take your time to build up your reputation as an eBay seller, and then open up your own eBay storefront to become an Internet business owner. You can develop and sell your own products, or you can go through an affiliate program and sell drop-ship items with a simple-to-set-up eBay storefront. Getting an eBay store is a great way to set up an online company.
Learn how:

Web service firm
More and more companies are outsourcing projects in order to avoid hiring too many employees. With a little bit of know-how, you can start an Internet business as a service contractor and perform such jobs as website design, website promotion, or online security consulting (or any other type of consulting). As with any online company, the secret to success is choosing one area to specialize in, and then offer the best services in that area.

Export/Import Business
The Internet is a huge boon to exporters and importers. Demand for foreign made products is increasing around the world, and you can get in on the action by starting your own trade leads, B2B exchange or global marketplace Internet business. This exciting opportunity for an online company has powerful potential, as the Internet provides you with the opportunity to connect with billions of people around the world!

About the Author:
Drazga owns and operates dozens of profitable websites from her Arizona home, and produces events teaching people how to do the same. Her next event, the Internet Business Butt Camp, is February 25th in Phoenix. Get details at:

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Two Super-Successful ‘Netpreneurs Team Up to Give a Crash Course on Internet Marketing

Learn How to Live Your Work-at-Home Dream at the "Butt Camp"

By Barbara Drazga

Almost everyone has toyed with the idea of self employment—working from the comfort of your own home, earning enough for a comfortable living or even making a small fortune. Whether you're still stuck in the rat race, a stay-at-home parent, or already own a small business, you'll learn the closely-held secrets that Internet entrepreneurs are using to make millions of dollars on the Web -- while sitting at home on their butts!

This intensive one-day seminar, held in the Crown Plaza Phoenix Airport hotel on February 25, 2006, will teach you how to build an Internet business from scratch… even if you have no technical expertise. The speakers will cover everything an aspiring entrepreneur needs to succeed online including:
· How to design and promote a killer website with no technical know-how
· Proper page design to give your site the greatest chance of ranking high in the search engines
· Secrets of key word placement and choice that only the pro marketers know
· How to make money from people who are "leaving" your site without buying
· 4 Key ways to make money with a FREE Electronic Magazine
· Secrets to producing a spectacular Ezine and getting thousands of subscribers
*** You will have your own Ezine before you leave the seminar!
· How you can throw a worldwide public seminar for less than $30.00
· How to record, duplicate and package your TeleSeminars to get virtually instant new product
· How to make money with Ebooks, CDs, associate programs, and much more
· How to have your book distributed tomorrow electronically
· Where to get 70% royalties for anything your write
· 2 Ways to self publish for FREE . . . No more printing costs
· How to put your own training videos on CD for FREE
· How to Turn on a FLOOD of new prospects AND make passive money with your website
· How to use your website to sell other people's products with no ongoing work on your part
· How to double or triple your sales with no advertising expense . . . and do it from home

With the techniques you'll learn, you can finally leave the rat race and live the life they've only dreamed of… no boss, make your own hours, and make money sitting on your butt.

"The trend towards self employment is creating a new generation of home-workers who value quality of life over commuting to a corporate job. With this new lifestyle comes more freedom of time, income, and self determination," Says Barbara Drazga, the conference producer.

Drazga is the founder of the "Work in Your Bunnyslippers Day" and produces events for entrepreneurs including the Bunnyslipper Business Bootcamp, and the Women's Web Workshop. "On the 3rd Friday of every February, I encourage every one to work in their bunnyslippers. Sure, you might get some strange looks if you're still working a 'real job,'" she adds, "but it's a great way to practice the entrepreneur lifestyle!"

Drazga has invited speaker, author, and Internet guru Tom Antion to share his knowledge in an information-packed one day. Tom Antion is an internationally acclaimed expert in Internet Marketing for small business. He has a very simple "Three Prong Attack" on Internet marketing, which is extremely easy to use. Tom is no "techie." All he cares about is where to click to make money and he teaches his students the exact techniques he uses to pull in $75,000.00 to $220,000.00 in a month from his home office.

"I'm going to give so much information, your brain will feel like oatmeal… in a good way!" says Antion. "This is the ultimate crash course in starting a web-business!"

"It’s a common misconception that in order to thrive online, business owners need to be tech-savvy. This just isn’t true," adds Antion. At the Butt Camp attendees from all walks of life will learn how to become a money-making Internet entrepreneur starting from scratch.

In addition to the Butt Camp on Saturday, Drazga will provide a complimentary planning and goal setting session on Sunday to any attendee who wants to walk away with a plan of action.

Learn how you can fire your boss and start working for yourself. Mark your calendar for February 25 and check out the Butt Camp details at .

Early Bird pricing is $247 through February 15, when it increases to $297.
Attendees can bring a guest for free.
There are only 50 seats available for this one-time event
Venue: Crowne Plaza Phoenix Airport

Get details now at