Monday, October 31, 2005

7 Tips to Avoid a Scam Artist

Have you ever been swindled by someone you hired to provide a service?
We all have. It happened to me just today.

I purchase 30 days of Google Adwords program management services from a contractor who did not, in fact COULD not, deliver what he is offering on his website. I only got taken for $300, but it’s the principle that matters.

The experience made me consider what I can learn when I’ve been taken for a ride by someone who “seems” competent. I wanted to share with you my ideas on protecting yourself from being cheated by unscrupulous players in any industry:

7 Tips to Avoid a Scam Artist
1. You get what you pay for. If someone is offering a service that is priced well below the industry standard, beware. And do your due diligence.

2. If you get a gut feeling that this person just can’t be trusted, go with it BEFORE handing over your cash. While we all want to give the benefit of the doubt, remember the power of intuition. If you decide to hire them anyway, limit your financial investment until they're disproven your intuition.

3. Be on the lookout for “scarcity mentality” behavior and words. If the person you are interviewing is constantly reminding you of all they’ve done for you without charging, trying to invoke the victim principle, run away. These types of people are trying to hide their incompetence, and will only take your money without providing what they promised when you hired them.

4. Set up a checks and balance system during their contract period so you can evaluate their work for consistency based on your projects scope. Look for belligerence and defensiveness when you call them on their shoddy work.

5. ALWAYS know just enough about the tasks you’ve given them to recognize if they’re not delivering. Never just hand over a task that you are not able to check for quality control. Keep educating yourself to reduce your risk of being ripped off.

6. Pay by credit card, and document all communications with contractor. So when it comes time to refute the charge with your credit card firm, you have clear evidence of nonfulfillment.

7. And lastly, learn from your mistakes. Every tough experience is an opportunity to learn how to do things better the next time, and a way to hone your senses to become aware of discrepancies earlier in the game the next time around.

I hope these tips help you avoid doing business with people just out to take the money and run! I TRULY believe in the universal principles of energy. You eventually get back what you put out.

So do good, honest business with an abundance mentality, and prosperity will come back to you 10-fold.

And avoid the “wolves.”
Grab the entire eBook I wrote on this at

To Your Success,

Thursday, October 20, 2005

What do a bowling pin, lipstick, and a mystery novel have in common?

They all made the locals at my postal service ask me:
“What is it that you DO anyway?”

I am always amazed at the creativity of people. One reader sent me his favorite Rod Stewart CD, another a Mystery Novel that I could NOT put down, and yet another sent me a collection of makeup perfect for my skin tone!
The list of the great gifts I received from you all is too long to mention here. I just want to say to you:
Mission Accomplished!

One of you addressed the package to “Countess Barbara.” So everyone at the mail service now greats me as "Countess" when I walk in, loudly, in front of other customers! I've even registered the URL Send me your ideas on how to monetize this concept!

One reader wrapped her secret package so convincingly, the post office made her open it for inspection before mailing it .

I want to thank you ALL for helping me stir up the rumor mill in my new town here. I promise I am using EVERY single gift that was sent to me.

I’ll write more about small-town Arizona life this weekend. I’ve got a story to tell you about my visit to a biker bar...


Saturday, October 01, 2005

My Secret Phone Call-Oct 4

When I asked for Top Secret packages, I was expecting chocolates and cool colored pens. What I didn't expect to get was a "Top Secret phone call!"

The fellow I referred to earlier who had us all dancing up and down and doing silly things on stage in Phoenix, Mark Joyner, replied to my blog post about a secret phone call he's going to be doing exclusively for members of Simpleology.

Mark just released his new book (which I already ordered) called "The Irresistable Offer. It's all about the art of getting what you want in all areas of your life. Mark will be interviewed by Joe Vitale, one of the world's top marketers, so it's a chance to hear both of them on one call! (What I like to cal a double whammy!)

Register for the Tuesday, Oct 4 call here

I'm practicing "Law 4" of Mark's Simpleology course right now.
Last week, I was more productive than I've been in months just by following Mark's course! (How's THAT For a testimonial?)

And yes, I am trying to entice you to go there because I know it's going to do you a lot of good.
And Mark - next time you reply to one of my blog posts read the instructions! You were supposed to send something in the *mail*. ;-)

Rememer.. NEVER stop learning and growing!
This call and Mark's course are free, so you have NOTHING to lose.
Listen in

To Your Success,