Monday, September 17, 2007

I was attacked by a mountain lion

Ok, that's the story I'm going with.

It beats telling people I tripped and fell on my face while hiking the Grand Canyon!

After hiking back to civilization, I found a cute Ranger to take me to the Canyon's clinic where they put a few stitches in my knee, and bandaged of various extremities. Xrays showed I also broke my nose (nice shiners, huh?)

How, you may ask, am I going to tie this into a business lesson... well, I've found a few ways:

1. it is ALWAYS possible to find the positive in any situation. I did NOT break my hand or my knee caps, which would have been a much greater handicap than breaking my nose. I don't type with my nose (although I have tried it after too many glasses of red wine).

2. I had to stay an extra day in the Canyon after being put back together again by all the king's men at the great clinic. However, because I have processes in place, and most everything is outsourced, I didn't have to worry about my business grinding to a hault. My incredible team took care of everything.

3. The personal lessons were numerous, but the most important seems to be to slow down. I was hiking at a fast pace. Now that I can't walk so well, I have to hooble slowly everywhere. It's changed my normally fast pace of life into a more deliberate pace, where I watch every little thing that's happening.

4. Misteps will occur in life and in business. It's HOW we deal with them that counts. After I fell, my brain kicked into survival mode. I felt no emotion, just focused on problem solving. I found myself creating a process in my head!
Step 1: hike back to civilization;
Step 2: Assess and clean injuries;
Step 3: Get medical attention.

So when emergencies happen in your business, reacting emotionally may not get you to a solution. Rather, assessing the damage and devising a plan of action will more quickly help you past the situation.

So when faced with a "mountain lion" stay cool, get help, and above all... remain positive!

Barbara (aka Scarface)

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Is it hot in here, or is it just me?

I live in beautiful arizona where in the summer, it is common to have temeratures in the low 100s.
It is also equally common to hear people complain about the heat, which is starting to annoy me to no end.
So for those of you complaining about the weather, wherever you live, I offer you a fresh perspective:

When I CHOSE to move to Arizona, I was well aware that it got hot in the summer. So during my house hunting trips in the winter to AZ, I would crank up the heater in my rental car and close the windows, to simulate the summer heat. Then before I moved, I spent everyday in the dry sauna at my gym for as long as I could stand it, to acclimate myself to heat.
Lastly, I did a mental adjustment. During the "heat training session" I would visualize my body sweating out all its emotional and physical toxins. I left the sauna feeling renewed.

So now, when the temperature reaches 117 degrees in Arizona, I simply visualize the cleansing of my body, heart, and mind। Afterall, I did CHOOSE to live in Arizona, so I frankly have no right to complain about the weather.

Ok, now I'll hop off of my soap box and ask you: what things in your life are you complaining about, but you've chosen to be there or do that?
Now change your perspective on it and turn it into a posiitve.

REVEL in the heat!
