My little Megan's favorite place to nap is my lap with her paw draped across my mouse or keyboard (which explains the many typos in my emails ;-)).
The other day, she suddenly started convulsing in my lap! My first reaction was panic that she was having an kitty epileptic attack. So I look down at her sweet face and her inner eyelids are closed, but her outer are open just enough so I can see her eyeballs rolling around in her head like a serious REM sleep.
She was twitching from nose to paws to tail. So I just watched her and imagined what she was dreaming about. Have you every tried to figure out what your pets (and babies, for that matter) dream about?
Knowing her mischievous personality, and her skill for tearing through the house, up the walls, over the furniture, through every room, batting her brother and sister on the fly (like a furry hit and run runner), I bet she was dreaming of some incredible adventure that involved moths (her favorite protein source), and mini tootsie rolls (her favorite toy to steal and hide under rugs).
I'd love to hear your theories on what Megan was dreaming about. Share them on the blog!
1 comment:
Megan was probably dreaming of a oversize tootsie roll that was being carried off by an imaginary moth. Of course the race is really on when brother and sister go to using her for batting practice with the intent of keeping Megan away from the oversized treat and catching the moth as well.
After all it is an oversized tootsie roll and the moth was an extra bonus which would make it well worth the extra effort.
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